Installing larbac

In order for larbac to function properly, you need to have the following files on your computer:

After making sure the above files have been installed, you need to execute install.bat . This batch file has two missions:

  • to delete (in case of an older installation) and create a "larbac" directory in your Program Files;
  • to look for the necessary files (latex.exe, bibtex.exe, . . . ) in the Program Files directory, to find their absolute path and then store that information in separate files (latex.txt, bibtex.txt, . . . ) in the new "larbac" directory.

The larger your Program files directory is, the longer the second process may take. If you need to shorten this stage, you can indicate a more specific directory for the search. In any case, be sure to verify to existence of the directories. I have used "C:\Program Files (x86)\" but this might not suit your operating system.